Here, at St Mungo's, we take "Faith of Our Fathers" seriously and honour our past by preserving our beautiful old church, built in 1836. We celebrated the Scottish part of our heritage with a Scottish Memorial Day in 2012. We had a two day celebration on the 180th anniversary of the church, with a Gaelic choir, led by a precentor, and a pig roast. In July 2017, for Canada 150, we tried to recreate what a church service would have been like in 1867.
We have three worship services a year in the spring, summer and fall. Services are modern with power point presentations and a mixture of old and new hymns. The highlight of the year is our bilingual Christmas Eve service. A good old fashioned Christmas. Come and join us!
St Mungo's is the only public building in the village of Cushing. We hope that, with the church restoration and improvements to the church hall, more use will be made of the buildings for cultural events and meetings. The church is the perfect setting for a romantic wedding!
For further information, call Sandra Goorbarry at